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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Your Thinking Determines How You Act and How Others React to You

What we think so we become. We are a testimony of our thoughts. Consequently a person emitting positive vibes will attract good things and the opposite also holds true. A practical example is that when we are in good mood, the surroundings seem much more beautiful and we rarely notice faults, if any.

We store our emotions in the physical body as well as in the casual body. The stored negative emotions tend to create energy blocks, which then reduce the energy flow leaving us tired and dejected. The degree of lack of energy may vary as per the intensity and the amount of stored negative emotions. Our aura diminishes on such occasions repelling people away.

It is said that a man is known by the company he keeps. Near a divine, we too feel pious. The day we are full of negativity due to some reason, the whole world seems to be going against us. This is the Law of Attraction in action. Therefore simply try and avoid the company of negative people since people with negative attitudes can be more pessimistic and unpleasant, and generally expect the worst in difficult situations.

One of the important indicators of the amount of personal aura we reflect i.e. the sum total of physical, mental and spiritual energies is the quality of your thoughts and actions being taken by us. It is our attitude as well as stored negative emotions that influence our personal energy, big time. It’s essential to stay positive.

People with a positive attitude do not lose hope even in difficult situations and look for the best. A positive mindset won’t necessarily relieve stress, but it can equip you with the tools you need to deal with it in a healthier way.

Having an optimistic outlook naturally results in a more expectant view of life. You’ll see the positive side to most situations, helping you deal with negative people and events more effectively. While traveling through a difficult path, endeavor should be to enjoy the scenery and the company of the fellow travelers.

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