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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Your Stress Is a Result of Your Stressors: Let’s Identify a Few

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

A seedling growing up

We cannot avoid stress in today’s fast-paced and competitive world. Whether it is work-related pressures, personal relationships, or financial troubles, we all face stressors that impact our well-being. An effective approach to dealing with the challenges and pressures of life is to manage stressors rather than just stress itself.

You can do so by identifying the stressors that are affecting you. This involves taking a closer look at aspects of our lives contributing to our stress levels. Some issues working as stressors and need to be addressed can be:

  1. Are you surrounded by toxic individuals or have unhealthy relationships?

  2. Are you constantly overwhelmed by deadlines at work?

  3. Do certain people consistently bring negativity into your life?

Identifying these stressors allows us to take proactive steps toward minimizing their impact and preventing stress levels from getting out of control.

Creating a healthy work-life balance

By setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, such as establishing specific work hours and creating time for self-care and relaxation, we can reduce stress levels significantly. Learn to set boundaries in your personal and professional life. Communicate your needs and limitations clearly to others, and don’t be afraid to say no when necessary.

Manages your relationships

Surrounding us with people who put us down, criticize us, or lack empathy has a negative impact on our happiness. It is important that you identify and limit the company of these people to protect yourself from unnecessary stress. You must prioritize relationships with those who support and uplift you. Create a positive and encouraging environment around you.

Take control of your finances

Who likes a pile of bills? ‘Financial stress is another common stressor that affects most of us. It is important to have a good grip on your finances by setting realistic budgets and financial goals. What can be of help is:

  1. Learning to live within your means.

  2. Save for emergencies.

  3. Seek financial advice when needed.

Gaining financial stability is important. Taking proactive steps allows us to reduce money-related stress and provide a sense of control and security.

Develop healthy coping mechanisms

While managing stressors is essential, it is also crucial to develop healthy coping mechanisms to deal with the stress that does arise. Prioritise self-care by:

  1. Engaging in regular physical exercise.

  2. Practicing mindfulness and meditation.

  3. Maintaining a supportive social network.

However, relying only on these coping mechanisms without addressing the original stressors can be temporary fixes, leaving us vulnerable to recurring stress in the future.


Stress isn’t essentially bad for you. Understanding the difference between stress and stressors is key to living a healthy life. One is your reaction to real or possible danger, and another is what causes this reaction.  Some things can have a positive impact on overall performance in the short term. However, unmanaged stress negatively impacts physical and mental health.

Through self-awareness and stress management techniques, you can stop stress from dominating your life. Additionally, incorporating healthy coping mechanisms into your daily life will ensure that you have the tools you need to successfully handle stressful situations. Ultimately, effective management of stressors can help build a more balanced and fulfilling life and promote overall well-being. From time to time, remind yourself not to stress over things you can’t control.


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