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Colonel Prashant Rawal

You Are Not “Atlas”. The World Doesn’t Rest on your Shoulders Alone

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

While taking responsibility and making a positive impact is admirable, it’s important to balance them with self-care and personal boundaries. Taking responsibility beyond our capacity can stem from various reasons, including societal expectations, personal beliefs, a sense of duty, or a desire to make a positive impact.

Recognizing and understanding our limits is crucial to avoid burnout, stress, and potential negative consequences. Learning to set realistic expectations, communicate boundaries, and delegate tasks can help in managing responsibilities effectively

We live in a society. It often places certain expectations on us, such as being selfless, caring for others, or making a difference in the world. Sometimes these expectations push us to take on responsibilities that may exceed our personal capacity. This can lead to us feeling the undue pressure.

It’s good to try to understand another person’s thoughts and feelings in a situation from his point of view however ensure that it doesn’t result in undue pressure on you. The feeling of compulsion to help others is misplaced if it means stretching yourself beyond your capacity. The desire to earn a name and fame may force you to take on more responsibilities in pursuit of certain not-so-realistic goals, pushing you to limits and beyond.

Your strong personal values and beliefs can drive you to take on greater responsibility. You may help others or contribute to causes you care about. You feel it’s a moral obligation to, even if it stretches their capacity.

Fear of acing criticism can lead us to overcommit. When you are not assertive you may feel compelled to say “yes” to every request or responsibility, even when it exceeds your capabilities, in order to maintain a positive image or avoid disappointing others.

It is not my case that you should avoid additional responsibilities. These responsibilities can be the very opportunities you have been waiting for. Taking responsibility and making a positive impact is admirable, but it’s important to balance it with self-care and personal boundaries.

It is critical to know and understand your limits to avoid burnout, stress, and many possible negative consequences. When you are mindful of expectations and your boundaries you manage responsibilities wholeheartedly.

You are not “Atlas,” burdened and strained,

The weight of the world on your shoulders ingrained.

Release the notion that you hold every care,

For the world is not yours alone to bear.

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