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Colonel Prashant Rawal

You Always Have a Choice

“You don’t have a right to the cards you believe you should have been dealt. You have an obligation to play the hell out of the ones you’re holding.” -Cheryl Strayed

The decisions we make every day, whether it’s buying vegetables, cleaning out the basement, or investing in new prospects, can make us happy or make us feel anxious. You can’t control all the outcomes, but you can avoid being overly influenced by them. When the choices we made turnout to be unfavorable, we condemn others for who we are, and what we do far too frequently when it’s we who really had the choice. Choices make who you are.

The power of choosing

There is a gap between stimulus and response. This space has the power to allow us to make choices. The choices we so make ensure our growth and our freedom. Ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future every time you are tempted to answer in the same way, thinking you had no choice.

Be choose with your choices

What if you decide to stop saying yes to people and situations that don’t support your well-being? What if you promise to love yourself genuinely, and vow to create the best life possible for yourself? I would say that you have promised yourself to live honestly. You have made a worthwhile choice.

Choose not to heed

There will be a lot of people in your life who will tell you what they think you should and shouldn’t do, and who they think you should and shouldn’t be. You have a choice not to heed to these opinion-makers and standby with your convictions.

Be an explorer

Too many people let fear of failure hold them back from pursuing their dreams or goals, but the experience is what allows us to grow as human beings. Why should we be scared of the outcome? If nothing favourable happens, we will be richer by the experience itself. I often think that the mistakes I have committed in making choices in life have taught me more than what I have learned from my successes.

“When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.”Unknown

Take responsibility

The choice you made is yours. You are your best counsellor. Consultations if available should be welcomed. But it serves no purpose when you choose to blame people and circumstances. Self-pity is not an emotion. It’s a state of mind. It results in a loss of control and can mar your decisiveness. Not only that, but it’s your response-ability that will propel the desired action. Don’t hand over the key to your success to somebody else. Take responsibility for the outcome.

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While making the right choices is frequently the key to appreciatively changing our life path, we get lost in fear of leaving our comfort zone and entering the unknown. Times from now, anyhow of the outgrowth of your opinions you’ll be suitable to say that you made the stylish possible decision that made you feel most comfortable at that time. Precedence change as time passes, which eventually can impact what we or others perceive as right. What’s important is that you acted.

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