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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Work/Life Balance Revisited

In an environment of constant change and ever-increasing competition, managing work-related stress to avoid burnout is becoming essential for leadership development. Dealing with several demands of a fast-paced career and personal/family relationships and responsibilities becomes challenging on daily basis. There is little doubt that work and personal life have reciprocal effects on each other. Therefore health and well-being at work are issues of increasing interest and attention, including their bearing on the leadership.

We know that our effectiveness as a leader is boosted by a friendly environment. We need to better understand which norms about organizational life are challenged by the idea of work/life integration before we decide which changes organizations need to make to enhance work/life integration for its members.

Challenging work/life situations are related to the need for, and development of, flexibility. Flexibility is the ability to adjust to adversity or hardship, a characteristic that can be developed at any time during a person’s life. The solution lies in closely matching the nature of people and the nature of the organization. Both have to show flexibility taking into account each other’s needs. Thus the organizational culture and systems have to work to encompass rapidity and flexibility. Being flexible is not compromising your core values or the set of principles you have.

On a personal basis, being mindful leads to agility and flexibility and helps you to keep your emotions under check. Developing flexibility keeps things simple by adjusting to the prevailing climate willingly. You keep both your needs and expectations from you in balance. Avoid what agitates you by preemptive action and not by being defensive. Perceiving the mental state of others and modifying your consciousness to accommodate them is the right approach in dealing with persons and situations. Inculcating a sense of belongingness through proactive participation does wonder to your attitude in the workplace. You can carry the same to your castle.

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