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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Why get Caught in the Past when only the Present Matters

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

Sometimes we dwell on the things that happened long ago or even in the recent past. Although self-reflection is healthy, dwelling can be self-destructive, preventing you from enjoying the present and planning for the future. But you don’t have to stay stuck in the past. You can choose to start living in the moment. You can’t live your life backward. There is no rewind button available. You fight with major regrets about your past and feel ashamed of the past happenings. “Could have” and “should have” are words of defeat and unending guilt. They force you to remain a prisoner of the past.

Every day is a new day and every night is a new night waiting for the dawn. The past is full of regrets and the future is full of anxiety. If you want to live in peace, you live in the present. The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.

Lasting guilt, shame, anger, low self-esteem, and fear are just a few of the feelings that can keep you trapped in the past. Challenges of the present can push you back into the perceived good old times seeking solace. You miss out on the present.

You deplete your energy levels stuck in the past trying to solve the problems you faced then. Such solutions if any have no bearing on the present except you feel defeated twice again.

Dwelling in the past prevents you from preparing for the future. Your past mistakes given untimely vigor pull you down. You are not motivated enough to take on future tasks head-on. All this makes you indecisive.

Replaying past failures, again and again, harms your physical and mental health too. Studies have shown that such regressive thinking can be the root cause of chronic diseases such as depression and cancer.

“Those were the Days” thinking does nothing but compel you to think with conviction as to how bad things are today. For a healthy present and a bright future, the past must be managed and healed.

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