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Colonel Prashant Rawal

What’s So Special About Yoga?

A woman in sukhasana

Hello, lovely readers! Today, let's chat about something that's been a game-changer for many of us - yoga. You might be thinking, "Sure, I've heard of yoga, but what's all the fuss about?" Well, let's find out together!

Yoga: More Than Just Stretching    

First things first, yoga is way more than touching your toes or twisting like a pretzel. It's an ancient practice that combines physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. The goal? To create a union between the body, mind, and spirit. Deep, right?

Pose to try: Mountain Pose (Tadasana)   

This foundational pose may look simple, but it's about finding balance and grounding yourself. Stand tall, feet together, arms by your side, and breathe deeply. It's a great way to feel connected and centred.

It's for Everyone    One of the most special things about yoga is that it's not one-size-fits-all. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a couch potato looking for a change, a kid, a grandparent, or someone dealing with health issues, there's a style of yoga that's perfect for you. From gentle Hatha to challenging Power Yoga, from relaxing Yin to energizing Kundalini, there's a flavour for every taste.

Pose to try: Child's Pose (Balasana) 

This calming, resting pose is perfect for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. Kneel on the floor, stretch your arms forward, and rest your forehead on the mat. It’s a great way to relax and gently stretch the back and hips.

The Power of Breath  Yoga places a big emphasis on breathing. Why? Because the way we breathe can affect our mood, stress levels, and even our physical health. Through pranayama, you learn to control and deepen your breath, which can help you feel calmer, more focused, and more energized. It's like a secret superpower!

Pose to try: Easy Pose with Breathwork (Sukhasana + Pranayama)    

Sit cross-legged, with your hands on your knees, and close your eyes. Take slow, deep breaths through your nose, allowing your belly to expand with each inhale. This simple seated posture is ideal for practising mindful breathing.

Mind over Matter   Ever felt like your mind is racing a million miles a minute? Yoga can help with that. By combining movement with breath, yoga helps to quiet the mind and bring you into the present moment. It's like giving your brain a much-needed timeout. And the best part? The more you practice, the better you get at finding that sense of peace and calm, both on and off the mat.

Pose to try: Tree Pose (Vrksasana) 

Balance poses like Tree Pose requires concentration, which helps still the mind. Stand on one leg, place the foot of the other leg on your inner thigh or calf (avoid the knee), and bring your palms together at your chest. This pose grounds you in the present moment.

Strength and Flexibility    Yoga poses are designed to improve your strength, flexibility, and balance. And no, you don't have to be super flexible to start yoga - that's like saying you need to be able to play tennis to take tennis lessons! With regular practice, you'll notice your body becoming stronger and more flexible over time. Plus, you'll improve your posture and reduce the risk of injury. Win-win!

Pose to try: Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)      This pose strengthens the entire body while stretching the hamstrings, calves, and back. From a hands-and-knees position, lift your hips to the sky, forming an inverted "V" with your body. It’s a powerful pose for building both strength and flexibility.

Self-Care and Self-Love   In today's busy world, it's easy to forget self-care. But yoga is all about taking time for yourself, listening to your body, and treating it with kindness. It's a beautiful act of self-love that can help boost your confidence, improve your body image, and remind you that you're worth taking care of.

Pose to try: Reclined Butterfly (Supta Baddha Konasana)          Lie on your back with the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to drop open like butterfly wings. Rest your hands on your belly or by your sides. This relaxing pose is a gentle way to open the hips and give yourself some well-deserved rest.

Community Builder

Yoga has an amazing way of bringing people together. Whether practising in a studio, at a park, or even online, you become part of a community of like-minded individuals. It's a place where you can be yourself, make new friends, and find support on your journey.

Pose to try: Partner Yoga Pose (Seated Forward Fold with Support)Grab a friend or yoga buddy, sit back to back, and slowly lean forward while the other leans back slightly to provide support. This is a fun way to connect with someone else while getting a nice stretch.

A Journey of Self-Discovery      Finally, yoga is special because it's a journey of self-discovery. It's a chance to learn about yourself, to challenge yourself, and to grow. With each practice, you uncover more about who you are, what you're capable of, and what truly matters to you.

Pose to try: Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)     This strong, expansive pose encourages physical and mental growth. Stand with your legs wide apart, bend your front knee, and extend your arms parallel to the floor. Feel your strength, and embrace the journey of discovering your inner warrior.

So, what do you think? Is yoga starting to sound a little more special? If you're curious, why not give it a try? You never know - it just might change your life.

Until next time, lovely readers, take care of yourself and remember: every day is a new chance to stretch, grow, and shine!

Namaste (that's a yoga way of saying "The light in me honours the light in you").



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