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Colonel Prashant Rawal

What Can You Easily Change Within An Organization, Its Culture, Or Climate?

Updated: Jul 23, 2023


Organizational culture is the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the way people within the organization interact and work together. Changing the culture is a more complex and long-term process, as it involves deeply ingrained attitudes and norms. However, with the right strategies and commitment, cultural change is possible.

Changing the culture of an organization demands the full commitment of every leader within the organization. A shift from “how things work around here”, to “from now on it’s going to be this way” is not easy.

For example, when the Armed Forces started to integrate women into what was considered a traditional bastion of male privilege, a great resistance was put forth by the men who believed that the soldiering skills they were performing, could only be performed by men. Though many of them have no gender bias, the culture they worked and lived in made them believe that their work was strictly a man’s job. It was difficult for them to picture women doing a job that was traditionally performed by males.


Organizational climate refers to the prevailing atmosphere or mood within the workplace. It encompasses factors like employee morale, job satisfaction, communication patterns, and the overall perception of the work environment. Climate is generally easier to change than culture because it can be influenced by more immediate and tangible factors.

The climate is a feeling by the employees on how they perceive that something should be done routinely. These feelings can normally be changed within a short period. The workers get these feelings both from their leaders and peers, formally and informally. Feelings are conveyed to them by how their leaders act and behave, and what they approve and ignore. Consider climate as the mood of the organization.

For example, you might believe your department needs to improve customer service. You then take the necessary actions to help your department start performing customer service better. In the majority of organizations, your actions will not be met with great resistance because “NOT providing good customer service” is not part of the culture of most organizations. Thus, if someone wants to change it, it does not really affect others within the organization.

Do you think culture creates the climate?

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