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Colonel Prashant Rawal

We all have Choices

When a young officer joined his Regiment years ago, his first salary, due to non-digitalization, use to take 4-5 months to be credited to his personal account. It was not the Modi era. Anyway, his buddy told him the very next day that sab will need a bicycle to go around. Where is the money to buy one, he enquired. Buddy, who obviously had spent more time in the Regiment than him, said not to worry as the Regimental Bania, the (civil canteen owner), the godly figure, ready to help each and every soul in distress, would get the bicycle. He also elaborated that the Bania would be paying Sab’s mess bills too, till he gets his salary. The account will be adjusted in the due course, once the salary gets credited.

The same evening the bicycle was there for inspection. Lieutenant Sab noticed that a stand was fitted but there was no carrier. He asked the buddy to take the bicycle back to the “Bania” and get the carrier fitted as it was a must. Buddy was back within fifteen minutes for another inspection. Sab noticed that this time the carrier was there alright, but the stand was missing. He got furious and being unaware of the protocol called for the “Bania”, a right strictly reserved for the Risaldar Major(the senior most Junior Commissioned Officer) and the Commandant only. To the surprise of all, the “Bania” arrived promptly. An obviously upset Lieutenant Sab asked the reason for the missing item.

What the “bania” explained politely to the newly commissioned officer is “Sab Ji, if you want carrier, then please don’t take a stand, and if you take a stand, then forget carrier (career)”.

I thought its worth sharing.

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