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Colonel Prashant Rawal

There is Power in Forgiveness

Being a complex concept, forgiveness is difficult to define because it can be applied in different ways in different contexts. Not everyone experiences it the same way. It’s a choice. Suppressing anger (both personal and social) is costly, and some of us can instead free ourselves from bitterness and anger through forgiveness. For them, it can lead to personal pain relief and make life easier.

Forgiveness brings people back together and helps repair relationships. Forgiveness of past wrongs is the key to reconciliation between friends, family, spouse’s neighbors, and even between races, cultures and nations. Greater understanding means earnest and respectful involvement of all stakeholders in the restoration of meaningful and trusting relationships. It starts us on a path to heal and live in the present.

Forgiveness can change people’s attitudes, prejudices, and even perceptions of the “other.” Forgiveness is not a good deed based on the victim’s generosity, but a gift that restores the perpetrator’s humanity. In other words, it reduces anxiety by considering people as “enemies.”

Forgiveness is an important tool for empowerment and self-improvement. It is also an important first step on the eternal spiritual journey. This will allow you to proceed further. We no longer dedicate our thoughts and energy to these emotions, but open them up to more positive, productive, creative and progressive choices.

Forgiveness can reduce the impact of negative emotions on a person’s mental and physical health. Forgiveness is not forgetfulness, approval, rejection or acceptance. Rather, it is a process of holding perpetrators accountable by replacing negative thoughts, feelings, and actions with positive, kind, caring, and thoughtful responses.

The ultimate desire of mankind is “happiness”. Forgiveness brings you closure to achieving it. Why don’t you give it a try. I assure you, it’s addictive.

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