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Colonel Prashant Rawal

The Power of Oneness: Discovering Your True Source and Destination

Updated: Aug 27

Reflection of a tree depicting oneness

In our existence, a profound truth often eludes us in the chaos of daily life: our source and destination are the same. As a life coach, it's my privilege to discuss with you this understanding and help you unlock the immense potential that lies within.

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves searching for meaning and purpose, seeking fulfilment in various external pursuits. We chase after success, wealth, and recognition, hoping that they will bring us the happiness and contentment we so desperately crave. But all too often, we overlook the simple yet profound truth that our source of happiness lies within ourselves.

You see, dear readers, every one of us is born from the same cosmic source – call it the universe, God, or whatever resonates with your beliefs. We are connected with everything around us and are part of a vast and intricate web of existence. And just as a river flows back to the ocean from whence it came, we return to our source when our journey in this physical form ends.

Understanding this fundamental truth is the key to unlocking a life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment. When we realize that our source and destination are the same, we free ourselves from fear, doubt, and insecurity. We no longer need to seek validation or approval from external sources, for we know that our worthiness is inherent in our very being.

Instead of constantly chasing external validation, we can turn our attention inward and cultivate a deep sense of self-love and acceptance. We can embrace our flaws and imperfections as integral parts of our unique journey, knowing that they contribute to the beauty of our existence. And we can find peace and contentment in the present moment, knowing that we are where we are to be.

But realizing our source and destination is not just about finding inner peace – it's also about unleashing our full potential and achieving our wildest dreams. When we recognise that we are co-creators of our reality, we tap into a limitless reservoir of creativity, inspiration, and power. We no longer feel victimised, but the masters of our destiny.

As a life coach, I can help you tap into this immense reservoir of potential and guide you towards a life of purpose, passion, and meaning. Together, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, uncovering the hidden treasures within your soul. And as you awaken to the truth of your being, you will realize how fortunate you are to know that your source and destination are the same.

So let us embark on this journey together, dear readers, with open hearts and minds. Let us embrace the miracle of our existence and revel in the beauty of our interconnectedness. And let us never forget how fortunate we are to know that our source and destination are the same.



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