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Colonel Prashant Rawal

The Limits of Human Thinking

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

“Remember that pushing the boundaries of human thought is an ongoing journey that requires an open, curious mind, a willingness to challenge existing beliefs, and a commitment to lifelong learning.”

Can it be said that people only use 10% of their brains? No, because in fact, we use a significant amount of our brain every day.

Some areas of the brain may be more active than others at any given time, but the entire brain is involved in a variety of functions and processes. Note that the brain is a very complex organ whose potential has not yet been fully revealed. However, it is safe to say that we use a significant portion of our mind, and the notion that we use only a small portion of our brain capacity is a myth.

Although the human mind is incredibly complex and capable of remarkable achievements, it also has certain limitations. How amazing it is that the human mind has been used to limit its own thinking. The limits of human thinking and information processing and understanding exist only in the human mind.

The ability of the human brain to process and store information is limited. This limitation can cause difficulty in multitasking, remembering large amounts of information, or handling complex problem-solving tasks. Our working memory is limited.

Human perception is limited by our senses and is subject to various biases. We can perceive only a fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum (visible light), a limited range of sounds and a limited range of tastes and smells. Our thinking is shaped by the cultural and social context in which we grow up. This can lead to biases, assumptions and limitations in our understanding of the world. This can affect our ability to think outside the box.

Our thinking is not always rational or logical. Our emotions can change and affect our judgments, leading to irrational thinking or biases. It is often limited by the availability of information. We tend to bank on incomplete information, which can lead to misunderstandings or errors in reasoning. We realize that there is therefore a need to enhance our thinking capacity. It is up to you to get out of your comfort zone and face intellectual challenges. When your thinking is challenged in the company of intellectual discussions you can exchange ideas with people from different backgrounds and expertise. Engaging in thoughtful discussions expands your intellectual capacity.

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