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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Tackle Problems Head on

Is a problem-free life possible, or do you assume that life is just a repetition of problems? This could be true. However, if you somehow reduce the occurrence of problems and their impact, it will be easier and more goal-oriented to draw a path in your life. Let’s take a look at the steps you can take to achieve this goal.

Everyone has problems. Problems are the hurdles you face while you try to achieve something. Whenever you have a goal, there are obstacles to achieving it. Overcoming these obstacles and reaching your goals is the game of life. Life would be really easy if you didn’t take problems as challenges! The problems are the very nature of life. Difficulties arise only when you are unwilling to tackle them. Problems do cause stress and anxiety and one has to learn problem-solving skills to find solutions. The skill and techniques of problem-solving once learned will last you a lifetime.

Life invariably offers many solutions to the same problem if you are willing to try new things or to hear and consider new ideas. It’s for you to compare their suitability and effectiveness. Don’t be judgmental and rush to conclusions. Before applying a solution, pause and take some time to visualize the outcome. Be open to all possibilities.

Take time to define the problem in its totality i.e. what it’s and what it’s not. Assumptions will not help you in considering the problem in its isolation. It’s often more effective to make sure you understand the problem, symptoms, and cause before proceeding. Ask so what to find answers to where, why, when, how, and who. It is important that you must first understand a problem before you can solve it. If there’s something you don’t understand, ask as many questions as you need.

Some problems are too big to deal with in one go. Deal with such problems in should be cut to size. A useful technique for solving complex problems is to drill down to the details and continue until each item becomes manageable. Once you have a manageable set of pieces, tackle each individually. When a problem is broken down into its integral parts, you’ll find some of these parts become comprehensively familiar and thus easy to handle.

Maintain a positive attitude while dealing with a problem. It is the key to success. It allows you to think logically throughout the process. You will not be cowed down by your emotions too which can color your thinking and judgment.

John Wooden said, “If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.” There will be mistakes, so what. Once you take the challenge, go right to the end. I believe most things will work for you if you explore things with honest intentions. Learning the skills and methods of problem-solving will last a lifetime. Every challenge you overcome is another lesson life has taught you.

Your problems will not end here but life will certainly take you to the next level. You will not be repeating the same mistake again.  World value people who possess problem-solving skills. They tend to focus on overcoming obstacles using skills learned through experience.

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