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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Try Fun-Sense for Increased Productivity

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Research shows that successful teams know how to trust each other and part of that trust is developed within the context of having fun, sharing in laughter, and joking with one another. Fun offsets the intensity of the work that often happens on teams. As you have fun in a team environment, it disarms people. It allows people to feel safe and secure, and it provides a medium that bonds the team closer together.

People having a sense of open-mindedness and understanding with one another trust each other more and have stronger bonds. As trust builds, the outputs increase, and then it cycles back to fun again. It’s this cycle of having fun and building trust, and having fun and building trust. This cycle I call the “Fun-sense”, a new technique of enhancing growth and productivity.

When you develop the ability for emotional empathy and understand others better, fun releases or creates a kind of elation deepening the bond between people. A timely laugh lightens burdens and also creates a long-lasting experience. It allows us to respect each other’s feelings in the true sense, redefines interpersonal relationships, and it really becomes a tool for effective communication. It must be remembered that values offer us sails to charter the deepest waters of our environment. Our values and principles we hold at our core, guide us in how it is that we’re navigating reality, the people, and the context around us. They make us what we are and what we aspire to be. Having a sense of humor is a quality that allows us to face in a lighter way the challenges life has to offer. It gives you extra strength to come out as a winner with minimum dents. Having a wit that is light-hearted and positive with a fun sense of quick to laugh makes you brave life. Fun sense is an offset to the monotonousness of life. It keeps your interest alive in the happenings of life.

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