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Colonel Prashant Rawal

The Seed is the Tree

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

The Universal Law of Gestation states that everything takes time to manifest. There is a certain gestation period for it to be evident. Every seed has an gestation period. Ideas are spiritual seeds and will fructify with the passage of time. Your goals will manifest when the time is right. You have to have faith they will. Nature is a giver.

How an Idea takes Birth?

How the ideas are generated? The concept of Universal Consciousness provides a plausible explanation. Nothing new is added to this Universe as the total amount of energy remains constant. It only changes forms by vibrating at a different frequency. It means all the ideas are already present in the seed form in the Cosmos, ready to be received by a fertile mind. It depends upon the efficiency of our minds to receive these free-floating ideas available to one and all without any discrimination.

As you begin to think and feel something, that vibration vigor through the universe and resonates with similar frequencies. This process brings those ideas into your life.

Quality of Ideas

The quality of ideas we receive depends upon our mental state. The ability to think clearly with a focused mind un-colored with negative emotions provides for an efficient receiver. It’s important though to understand the meaning of the idea received as this appreciation is part of human capabilities.

It’s Conditional

An idea like planting of a seed needs certain conditions to sprout. Having an idea and manifesting it into a physical form are two different things. To start with, ideas come to a fertile mind ready to receive. A seed needs fertile land to flourish. It needs right combination of elements to sustain it. Similarly an idea to take a physical form needs encouragement and endeavor. It needs conditions conducive for it to be understood and taken forward.

Need to Stay on Course

For “a thought or suggestion to a possible course of action” to be nurtured as an idea, a well-defined approach is essential, if it is to be given the destined shape. One must stay on course all through the gestation period. It is true but difficult to perceive that a huge tree is hidden in a tiny seed and that’s the very idea. What is needed is proper care. The knowledge of the final outcome is very much part of the idea itself. It helps in avoiding uncertainty.

Easy Does It

The growth of a tree can’t be accelerated out of proportion by an excess stimulation in any form without affecting it adversely in some form or the other. Even such stimulation when resorted to will need its own gestation period. An idea might also need certain mid-course corrections during the gestation period losing its originality. That is part of the process.

We should remember that every idea has a pre-allotted gestation period and you have no control over it. There is no reason for you to be discuraged if your thoughts take time to materialize. The time being taken is all relative. Rest assured if your idea benefits others, resources will be provided for it to manifest in the best form.

Avoid Smoke Screen

We have 60K to 70K thoughts every day and more than 95 percent of these thoughts are repetitive in nature. This clutter ups our mind’s radar obscuring the real ideas. Then there are emotions and feelings confusing us further. It is essential that we are fully receptive to the Cosmos at all times to receive ideas or thoughts meant to be creative. Remember that the Creator is bound to manifest through us. The energy attached to an idea undergoes the required modification in the Universal Consciousness matrix. Learn to separate the hand of your intuition guiding you and that of your traumas, misleading you.

Testing Times

You will be tested frequently for your capabilities to fructify the idea gifted to you. The rate of change of frequency of energy vibration needs to be calibrated rather frequently so that the desired outcome is achieved. Success or failure matters the least, as it is all relative. So don’t you get upset? It’s “HIS” show, therefore least you can do is enjoy and be thankful for being the chosen one. It would help you to concentrate on the task at hand without thinking of the results which in any case are not in your control. This line of thought keeps your ego, always eager to claim “the credit,” under check. All the great people of yore followed this principle.


The quality of an idea decides its utility and hence the degree of its manifestation, which remains strictly relative. Every idea has its own gestation period to fructify. As far as the Universe is concerned, before you ask, it’s always a “YES”. It is important to stay in the moment.

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