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Colonel Prashant Rawal

The Leadership Grip

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

The leadership grip is probably the single most important aspect of leadership like a golf grip. That is because most of the time, our persona like hands in golf is the only part of the body that is attached to the followers. It is through our leadership qualities and traits that we “connect” to the team.

When giving a leadership or golf lesson, there are several things I look for in my students’ grips. The first is that he looks comfortable and relaxed in any crisis situation. I want to see the two hands working together as one unit, “complimenting” each other that’s what a leader is trained for. When there is synchronization, there is productivity.

If you say one thing and do the exact opposite, you are a hypocrite. Don’t pretend to be tough when you cannot take a stand.

Nothing isolates you faster from your team or your club than being a hypocrite. Remember, a good grip translates into an intended impact. (Please note, I’ve not said “perfect”.) It gives you a false sense of exclusivity, feels a secure grip and your leadership takes a hit. So does your game of golf. You lose respect and hence the right response from your employees i.e. distance and direction.

I want to see a condition in the grip where the hands are soft and the energy is flowing, not blocked. You are connected to your command. Your presence is felt at all times. So how do we keep the hand soft and relaxed? Simple, don’t squeeze too tightly. When leaders grip the club too tightly and when we do this, the organizational climate tense up and we lose our feel and connection to the organizational culture, the club head, and the final course. So remember, soft hands create a feel; tight hands create tension.

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