The research about leadership makes it amply clear that a leader’s integrity is out rightly considered to be the trait most valued by both a leader’s peers and her/his followers. Despite its importance for leaders and organizations, integrity is perceived to be deficient and recent research confirms that leaders struggle to be apparently trustworthy. The benefits you can gain from developing integrity are massive when compared to the lack of it causing harm to the organization’s culture and climate.
Integrity is a trait that every leader ought to have in an effort to be successful. Integrity may be described clearly as being true to your word, being authentic in your actions and speech, and demonstrating the kind of behavior that you would like to see your employees have.
Integrity, like management skills, is something that you need to exercise. It takes the attempt to honor on every occasion what you say and to be the example you want from your employees even when you are under pressure or simply have a personality conflict.
How do you identify a leadership trait you must develop? Think for a moment of bosses you have had that you didn’t like. What, specifically, were the attitudes, behaviors, or traits of that person that affected their leadership status negatively? Probably you would list things like favoritism and be unfair, downplaying employees’ accomplishments to make oneself look better, not appreciating loyalty, hard work, and efforts of others, and being ungrateful or treating you disrespectfully. All of these issues can be traced to a lack of integrity.
Nothing demotivates the followers more than the lack of integrity in a leader since it leads to distrust. The bonding among the team members is severely affected making them weak. It normally goes unnoticed on the surface but soon reflects in the form of low outputs.
How do you measure the extent of integrity you possess as a trait? Carrying a self-audit by consider the following is of help:
Do you allow circumstances to dictate your choices or face the tide?
Are you a “yes-man” and go along without questioning a bad decision or mistake?
Is your decision-making mechanism control based on a set of values and principles?
Do you make hard decisions despite the personal cost?
Do you always honor your words?
And most importantly, are you ready to accept that you lack integrity and are willing to improve?
Integrity is a core value that must be possessed by every individual. Not only is workplace integrity beneficial to businesses, but it is also beneficial to the individual as part of society. By showing that you are an honest and dependable person, you’ll gain respect and trust from your environment, which can also play a big part in your growth, progression, and overall success as an individual.
Being honest and having integrity are two values that are deeply important. When we are honest, other people are able to trust and rely on us. We become a strong link in the furtherance of the global good. It’s important to also be honest with ourselves and stay true to our own values and beliefs. When we have integrity, we stand up for the welfare of all.
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