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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Hold fast in Weaker Moments We Must

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Every so often life appears to turn out to be a burden. Obsessive thinking is the main wrongdoer. Oh, it carries on from one concept to every other. The sacred book of Gita says it’s via “detachment’ and “practice” you control your mind. I feel, though open to discussion, Krishna is speaking about not getting distracted by nonproductive thoughts. One shouldn’t nourish them by paying attention to them. Once you get attached to one then fantasy takes over. Remaining in control at all times helps in remaining “detached”.

Our life is a bundle of perceptions constantly undergoing changes due to our experiences. The past is long gone and the future is unknown. By dwelling in the past or thinking of the future we are either subjected to mere regrets or sheer anxieties. We should savor the present moment by living in it fully. It can turn out to be a “gift’ and hence called a “present”. Life is beautiful but “Beauty Lies in the Eye of the Beholder”. What matters is how one looks at the world.

Life teaches lessons at every stage. If the contents are driven home, we are taken to the next level of learning. Our learning ability is largely affected by our core beliefs. They control our response-ability i.e. how capable we are to shoulder various responsibilities and challenges life has to offer. The same is true for the health of our interpersonal relationships and the quality of interpersonal communications.

Our thoughts create our reality. Everything we perceive or experience without is the projection of our world within. To become the master of our own destiny, therefore, we should learn to focus thought energy toward our goals. The fact that it is indeed our thoughts that are responsible for our experience of reality must be understood. By doing so, we will be able to attract into our life what is desired.

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