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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Building Consensus Builds Teams

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Consensus does not mean that you are going to eliminate questioning and disagreement. There will always be employees questioning a decision made, but everyone should understand why and how that decision was made. There should be agreement by understanding that the best effort to address the needs of all stakeholders was a priority and that the decision was the right choice to move the organization’s goals forward.

A shift from “how things work around here”, to “from now on it’s going to be this way” is never easy. Building consensus around the organization’s values is important. People come together if they are clear about the organizational culture. It defines how people want to behave with each other in their personal and professional lives.

When your goals are aligned with your values you will notice that you achieve them much quicker and with the least resistance. When you are not aligned with your core values viz the fundamental beliefs, there will always be tension and undue stresses in your life including on the work front. Share the values that are most important to you, the values you believe in and that define your character. Then ask employees to share their value statements. Encourage questions and discussion. Build consensus about those values that are the most important to everyone.

Finding out the answers to the following questions builds up consensus based on values much faster:

  1. What is really important to you in your life at this time?

  2. What gives purpose to your life?

  3. What activity brings inner peace to you?

  4. What values do you admire in people and why?

  5. What activities do you enjoy the most bringing you joy and fulfillment?

  6. What is that most unacceptable to you?

Please note that building consensus helps in the personal relationships as well.

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