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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Sometimes you just grow apart: The early warning signs and actions required

Relationships are at the core of our lives. In a positive relationship, both partners feel valued, loved and nurtured. Responsibility of maintaining a healthy and meaningful relationship falls on the shoulders of both the partners.

A relationship not only survives but flourishes too on the principle of give and take, since both the partners have equal stakes. There are occasions when best of the relationships can be subjected to unprecedented stresses. There can be a number of reasons for it. There are some common signs when a relationship is in trouble. These are:

  1. Communication is minimal and often negative

  2. Differences are criticized rather than enjoyed

  3. You are spending less time together

  4. One partner indicates the relationship is in trouble

  5. One partner is rarely prepared to listen

  6. Conflict leads to resentment, not resolution

  7. There are fewer fun moments

  8. Humor is often at other’s expense.

  9. Criticism is more common than praise.

Relationship trouble: Tips for getting things back on track

Enjoying together the moments of happiness and sharing feelings and thoughts are signs of a good relationship. What keeps a relationship meaningful is the willingness of concerned to nurture it. When things go sore as they sometimes will, some of the actions we should take to mend the fences and get things back on track are:

  1. Set aside regular time for discussion and communication.

  2. If your partner tells you things are wrong, listen to them.

  3. Pay attention to both verbal and nonverbal clues.

  4. Take interest in each other’s life affairs. It makes lives interesting.

  5. Take responsibility for past actions and make changes if necessary.

  6. Be clear and realistic about what you need and want from them.

  7. Use “I” statements such as “I feel hurt”.

  8. Avoid bringing in a third person.

Most important is to be absolutely clear that you truly want to continue in the present relationship. This resolve is the start point for all your future endeavors towards salvaging your relationship. Living in the present moment by not thinking of the past events and long distant future is of help in dealing with the situation. Developing common interests and getting involved in new activities can bring the partners closer together.

Too much of expectations on the part of anyone at this time can prove counterproductive. It’s a time to evolve thus caution is needed. It’s time to learn lesson and move forward.

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