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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Mind Body Connection for Good Health

Our attitude to our health is more important than we think. Negative emotions and states of mind cause the vital force in the body to get depleted. If we want to believe that we are healthy and strong, a part of our brain called the hypothalamus sends these positive signals to our body cells. The cells then obey these messages.

If on the other hand, we focus on being sick as a belief, e.g. believe that being out in the open all day will give us a cold, then we also send these messages to our body cells and they listen to them too, and you catch cold.

Such impressions tend to last long. For example, thinking of an allergy long cured can bring it back by merely thinking about it. It’s a natural law that we attract an external reality that reflects our internal reality. Our ability to create an external reality with our mind intensifies with the amount of attention paid to it. Therefore our attitude towards our health can have an even bigger long-lasting impact on our bodies than generally believed.

It is not just our attitude that influences our health but stored negative emotions affect our health too, big time. We store our emotions in the physical body as well as in the casual body. The stored negative emotions tend to create energy blocks, which then reduce the energy flow through that area leaving it sick. The degree of sickness may vary as per the intensity and the amount of stored negative emotions. This is the reason pain is considered a signal from the body that all is not well. If the negative emotions keep on accumulating over time, they may end up affecting deeper organs too.

The above understanding is of immense help in maintaining good health by keeping sickness at an arm’s length. Our body strives for an overall balance and good health which is our natural state. Thinking of certain actions in the past which proved detrimental to good health serves no purpose. The point to note here is that we are concentrating on good health “NOW” rather than any sickness. The following set of affirmations is helpful in achieving the required mind-body connection:-

  1. I have a beautiful body. I have a strong body.

  2. I have a healthy body.

  3. My body takes me wherever I want to go.

  4. My body has tremendous self-healing power.

  5. My body keeps itself beautiful, healthy, strong, and free of disease.

  6. I’m blessed and thankful.

May We All Enjoy Good Health

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