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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Meditation as Medication

As we age, the energy routes which bring vital energy to our internal organs and enable them to function become progressively more blocked by physical and mental stress. The result is general fatigue, weakness, and poor health. When we are young, there is usually sufficient energy to keep the routes less obstructed so that the flow of life energy is still maintained. The organs are thus nourished, and there is little sickness. But if we do not live healthily and practice to keep the energy routes open, they slowly get clogged and cause emotional imbalances, sickness and old age.

We should endeavor to maintain childlike flow of vital forces to remain in good health. Regular meditation practice is a great way to stay in balance with yourself and your higher power, whatever that may be. Your breath, which is always there till you are alive, can be a solid anchor to sort of stabilize your agitated mind. There are various techniques to minimize the flow of unwanted thoughts, 60 to 70 thousand or so in a day. If you consciously watch your thoughts, you will realize that most are repetitive in nature. Your mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts. How to control it? The sacred book of Gita says it’s possible by regular practice and detachment. One should not get attached to the thoughts. Once there are no thoughts, there is no mind. Thus there is least agitation in meditation and the balance of energy is restored, slowly but surely.

May We All Enjoy Good Health

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