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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Let Us Get Involved With Life Actively

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

Life can be difficult and uncertain, especially in the face of the prospect of inaction. While “doing” is often the key to positively changing our life path, we get lost in fear of leaving our comfort zone and entering the unknown. These fears limit our growth. You should get involved with life actively to ward off your fears.

Take responsibility

Take responsibility for your inaction. The motivation to change is within you. Only you can change yourself. You are your best friend. Take responsibility and identify what aspects of your life have restricted your growth. It serves no purpose when you blame people and circumstances. Self-pity is not an emotion. It’s a state of mind. It results in a loss of control. It’s your response-ability that will propel you into action. Don’t hand over the key to your success to somebody else.

No excuses

Few of us continue to live completely content and miserable lives, but it is futile to find excuses for inaction. Treat yourself rationally and stop playing the victim card. If you decide to stay stuck out of fear, the opportunity you are waiting for will not come naturally. Don’t let fear paralyze your actions. The most daunting roads often lead to the most exciting places, so get into the driving seat and start moving.

Take calculated risks

Growth always involves risk, and risk breeds fear. This fear forces people to wait for 100% certainty that everything will work out without risk. Such thoughts lead to inertia and limit growth. The 3 C’s of life are Courage, Choice, and Change. If you don’t have the courage to choose, your life won’t change.

Avoid procrastination

Do it now. It may never happen later. Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Usually, it doesn’t come. Capture the moment and make it perfect. The important things are here now. Schedule things as they come up. Realize how your own negative inner language has been holding you back. Remember to forgive yourself for inaction in the past.

Value your time

Value your time now and use it fully in the present moment. Don’t wait for great opportunities. We must take initiative and the timing will be favorable. “If only” is a game most of us play. We continued to wait for the perfect moment, “if only…… is a condition not only beyond our control but obscures the perfect moment even if there is an opportunity.

Keep contacts

It’s important to keep in touch with people. Isolation makes you age faster without valuable experience. Stay circulated to relate to your family and community. Effective networking connects you and empowers you in moments of weakness. Active listening makes relationships meaningful and motivates action. Be deliberate while establishing contact with people by not allowing it to break. Make an appointment if you have to but be in touch:

• Inform someone that you will be calling to chat at a specific time.

• Ask someone to join you for a small event like a glass of beer.

• Turn your meeting into a lunch meeting so it has a social element.

• Invite your relatives into your home for a small event that doesn’t require much preparation.

• Arrange these plans so that they cannot be canceled easily.

Grow rather than grow old

Aging is an ongoing process. Aging can lead to health problems and a fear of loneliness and isolation. Therefore glow in the light of your accomplishments instead of growing old. Your accomplishments are your contribution towards the good of others. Learn your lessons from the past and move on. Have an “evolving” attitude. It helps to rejuvenate and in taking action. It also keeps you mentally healthy.

Soothe your inner critic

When you say negative words to yourself in your mind, it’s a surefire recipe for inaction. The only way to live a meaningful active life is to begin the process of eliminating negative monologues. Adopt the simple philosophy of never saying anything (negative) to yourself that you wouldn’t say to one of your benefactors. Remember that you are the only person with whom you will have a relationship for the rest of your life. It is up to you to control your inner critic to improve the quality of your life.

Be with yourself

The experts insist that people who take time for themselves feel happier and cope better with stress. Enjoying time by yourself is linked with greater life satisfaction and reduced levels of depression. Find a way to quiet your mind for a period of time every day – 10 to 15 minutes a day is a good start. Shutting off your mind-chatter allows for greater expression of creativity and intuition. This is what meditation is all about. 

“Life Happens: Keep It Simple”

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