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Colonel Prashant Rawal

It’s Simply Me

Everyone parleys about balance but do you know what balance means to you as a person? Can you define it, picture it and sense it? Do you know how to get it and how to hold it when you have achieved it?

It’s simply me

Personality depicts my qualities, behavior, attitude, perception, and adherence of me. A fusion of multipurpose characteristics makes up my personality. I occasionally feel that my personality is a result of inherited traits from my parents at the time of my birth; however, happenings at times make me feel that most of them come from within.

You people judge my personality by the way I perceive, think, and speak. It means my core values, customs, education, and confidence defines my persona.

Why Balance is Important

The simple answer is to live life to the fullest. How do you get the balance required? We don’t have to adhere to the strict regimen a soldier would, but in order to function at our best, we definitely need to balance taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. Focusing too much on any one facet though seems important at a point in time catches up with us and leads to problems in the neglected area

How to maintain balance

Know Yourself The balance in life comes from the fact that how well you know yourself. It means how much rest, food, and exercise you need to sustain your best. It’s for you to decide what works best for you and implement it into your routine.

Be Mindful Maintain a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a calm, nurturing outlook toward life as a whole.

Stay Connected with the Loved Ones Be together and at the end of the day share with your family how the day went for each of you. Your success may be keeping you busy, no harm. Try and never be too busy to connect with and make at least one phone call to those who care for you, during the day or the day after.

Do Something Unplanned. We get too formatted over time. It’s a good idea to do something out of the usual every now and then. During your lunch, one day go for a swim. Take a drive in the countryside one afternoon with your family. On the weekend cook a dish, even a burnt one.

Make Time for Yourself It’s your personality that needs balance. Each evening takes time to unwind.

After Thought

Keep things simple by being aware of your environment at all times. Mindfulness leads to agility and flexibility and helps to keep your emotions under check. It helps you to be in balance. You remain in balance in the present; undivided into the past or future. Avoid what agitates you by preemptive action and not by being defensive. Perceiving the mental state of others and modifying your consciousness to accommodate them is the right approach in dealing with persons and situations. The scale is free to tilt both ways. Inculcating a sense of belongingness to whatever you do, does wonders towards ensuring the right attitude.

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