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Colonel Prashant Rawal

It is all up to you in a Relationship

When it is understood by you that it is you who has to change to sustain a relationship then the first step is not to react without fully comprehending a situation and the issues involved. The fewer you react; the less correction will be needed to resolve them.

A tactical withdrawal is not a defeat. It is a pause to go over the changes required. A correction is a change that is inevitable in any case. Remember, your reflection/projection depends upon the real you.

Question Yourself

The million- dollar question is; is the relationship under question beneficial to you now or in the long run? Will you be able to sustain it in the future? Be direct. Are you inseparable? How much are you willing to change?

A relationship needs full commitment from either of the parties involved, be it personal or a business partnership. Problems in a relationship must be brought out right in the open. It doesn’t pay to follow an ostrich approach by burying them. They in most cases become a public display in one way or the other.

Sometimes possible solutions emerge out of the public domain. It is quite possible that history is repeating itself and you might learn from others’ mistakes and don’t have to pay the price.

Create Space

Is there a need to draw boundaries? Such boundaries define the space that can be used to expand an excuse. Once drawn, they must be respected. That’s what the commitment is all about. Once you do that, mutual respect is built and strengthens the relationship. Space allows you to commit and accept mistakes. Remember no one is perfect. In fact, looking for perfection is the genesis of most of the problems in the first place.


Be assertive. Let others know what is rightfully yours and what you need. A genuine endeavor towards this end helps to appreciate the true feelings and emotions involved before they are transformed into action. Silence is equally crucial and is the best form of communication in some situations.

A mutual understanding so arrived at will help the relationship grow. Opinions expressed by others need to be weighed carefully before being acted upon. A change in ways and style of communication has the ability to alter the rate of vibrations. The change is inevitable.


The all-pervading Universal Consciousness sustains us all. A relationship facing difficulties is nothing but the Cosmos forcing a change on us by its very nature. If the duality involved is understood, by which even opposites are inseparable, any and every relationship should be able to resolve itself as a natural stable outcome.

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