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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Inter-personal Relationships: Be like an Aries at Work

Updated: Aug 28

“An Aries seeks connection strong, For friendships lasting, lifelong bonds. Their vibrant energy takes the lead, As they explore and plant the seed”.

Stars Talk

I’m not an astrologer though I believe we all are in some way or the other. If it is not so then there is no reason for us to get into arguments at work. Anyway, I’m on a different page.

When it comes to interpersonal relations at work, adopting certain traits associated with Aries can be beneficial. Aries are known for their assertiveness, confidence, and determination. Here are some ways you can emulate Aries characteristics in your professional interactions:

Take a direct approach: Aries are known for their directness and assertiveness. They speak up and express their opinions and ideas confidently. Follow suit by not shying away from sharing your thoughts during meetings or discussions. However, remember they do so by maintaining respect and consideration for others’ viewpoints.

An accelerator called initiative: Aries individuals are natural leaders and are known for taking initiative in their work. So be proactive, and demonstrate your ability to lead when appropriate. This proactive approach can help you stand out and show your commitment.

Embrace challenges: Aries individuals seek challenges and are often fearless in the face of obstacles. We can learn from them to take challenges as opportunities for growth. Be eager to take on difficult tasks and show your determination to overcome obstacles like Aries do.

Inspire by confidence: Aries exudes confidence, which can inspire others and earn respect. When you believe in yourself and showcase confidence in your work people follow you. However, be mindful not to come across as arrogant as Aries happens to be at times.

Professional to the core: While Aries can be passionate and enthusiastic, it’s crucial to maintain professionalism in your interactions. Be respectful and open to feedback to consider different perspectives. Collaboration and teamwork are vital in the workplace, and Aries is for all.

Communicate effectively: Aries individuals are known for their clear and concise communication, both written and verbal. Theirs is a straightforward communication style. So avoid beating around the bush and convey your messages effectively.

A worthy competitor: Aries individuals prosper in competitive environments. They are for healthy competition among co-workers. It is healthy to set higher goals and rejoice in performance. However, always ensure that competition does not adversely affect the team spirit.


So, embrace an Aries in your life if you can. Adopting certain traits of Aries at work can be advantageous provided you remain mindful of the unique dynamics and culture of your workplace. Just to remind you, Aries yearns for action and may forget to give others a chance (Aries, please don’t mind). Adapt a flexible approach as required to maintain harmonious relationships and achieve your professional goals.


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