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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Inculcate Authenticity for Sustainable Presence

Being empowered means having the necessary power to do what needs to be done, and it has its origins in many sources. Of all the principles that support sustainable presence, authenticity is perhaps the most important. It can also be the most difficult. Most people never realize that this aspect of their life needs attention. If authenticity is so important, why don't we recognize it as a problem? The answer is simple but thoughtful: we want to maintain the status quo.

We all behave in perfect accordance with our emotional, psychological, and spiritual growth. All our actions and relations, as well as the quality of our conduct, accurately express the hardware we have become. So we conclude that we are "authentic" because we perform with information and the experience presently at our disposal. We need to find answers to a few questions to ascertain how much authenticity we have – and exercise – it to influence outcomes. Ways to develop an “authentic you” include:

Believe in yourself

We need to believe that we are capable of accomplishing all our dreams and more. Having a little faith in your ability to handle whatever happens in the future is a great motivator by itself. What will see you through is the trust you impose in your own strength and ingenuity. Once you know that you are capable of achieving the best, nothing mediocre will ever hold you back.

Show genuine concern

Seek to understand others – their feelings, their cultural differences, their developmental needs, and their desires. Show genuine concern. Perceiving the mental state of others and modifying your consciousness to accommodate them is the right approach in dealing with persons and situations. It must be understood that people don’t engage with others by accident. They willingly follow those who are authentic.

Assume full responsibility

When something goes wrong, instead of finding excuses or blaming others, put aside your ego, assume full responsibility, and decide what must be done differently to create an authentic response. Taking responsibility for our thoughts, actions, beliefs, and choices keeps us out of the victim's mind-set and aligns us with the undisputable Universal Law of Cause and Effect.

Live by your values

The answers to the following questions are of great help:-

· What is really important to you in your life?

· What gives purpose to your life?

· What activity gives you the feeling of inner peace?

· What values do you admire in people and why?

· What activities do you enjoy the most bringing you joy and fulfilment?

· What is most intolerant to you?

Be trustworthy

Be consistent and deliver on promises.

Keep things simple

Do so by being sensitive to your environment at all times. Mindfulness leads to agility and flexibility and helps to keep your emotions under check. It helps you to be in balance. You remain in balance in the present; undivided into the past or future. Avoid what agitates you by pre-emptive action and not by being defensive.

Be friendly with yourself

Relax when it comes to you. Don't be hard on yourself. It's okay to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s not the end of the world. Say sorry and move on. If you acknowledge all the great things you do every day, you realize that when you do something wrong it doesn't matter that much. Eating healthy and living an active lifestyle is a great way to stay connected with yourself and your higher power, be that Spirit, the Creation, or simply your own internal guidance system.


The day you become “the Authentic You” you will be able to make direct eye contact and start enjoying some incredible benefits. Several studies have shown that people who ensure direct eye contact with others are perceived as not only being more prevailing and powerful but more sincere and friendly too. You will agree that all this cannot be “faked”. You have to be 100 percent authentic to do so. 

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