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Colonel Prashant Rawal

I Care For My Mind-Body Connection 

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Our body does everything for our survival even though we are so ungrateful we never even thanked our body. We tend to self-abuse our bodies both physically and psychologically on the contrary. It is important to know that we are more than the body. Love and compassion are essential for our body and its nourishment and are not merely tools of attachment.

The healthier body we have, the more opportunities there are to grow in consciousness. It is an organic unity. We have to love our bodies – we have to be good friends. It’s our home at our disposal. It must be cleaned of all waste daily.

For generations, people have been told all sorts of negative things about life. We walk, we eat, we drink, and all this shows our body and consciousness is an organic whole. Even when we sleep, our body is constantly working for us, digesting and turning food into blood, removing dead cells from the body, and breathing in fresh oxygen. The body performs more biological functions in silence than ever before. We cannot elevate our consciousness if we neglect or torture our bodies in any way.

The mind has tremendous power over our body. The mind controls everything in our body. Most of our illnesses can be changed by changing our minds because that’s where they start. The body is a lesser preferred origin for diseases. You fall down and have a sprain – now the sprain can’t be helped by hypnosis that you don’t have a bump or anything. Contortion is a body reaction and the body cannot be hypnotized – the body has its own way of working. But if the process starts in the mind and reaches a certain point in the body, we should be able to alter it easily.

Since most diseases are mental phenomena, understanding the relationship between the body and mind can cure them. They may get expressed through the body, but their source is in the mind. So everything can start in the mind and go in the body, or vice versa. While the mind has tremendous control over the body, the state of the body also affects the mind. My own understanding is that the treatment opted for must address both simultaneously.

Your mind is your health; your mind is your illness. You are your mind. And if you remain attached to it, you continue to live in a cocoon, and cannot know what reality is. That reality is known only when you drop all types of minds as in meditation.

When you observe the mind dispassionately, the mind becomes quiet. The more you meditate, the more the silence begins to communicate in a language of its own. Then your mind becomes universal. Then your mind becomes one with the mind of the universe. When there is no mind, your consciousness becomes universal. You become free of the mind-body connection as it no more binds you.

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