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Colonel Prashant Rawal

How to Deal When Chicks Leave Nest for Good Reasons

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

When children leave home for good reasons, such as higher education, starting a career, or their own life path, we as parents can experience different emotions. These feelings may vary from person to person, but here are some common feelings you may experience as a parent.

  • Excitement: You naturally enjoy your children’s accomplishments as you see opportunities ahead and share your children’s enthusiasm for the future.

  • Sadness: Moms watch out, please! Although children leave home for good reasons, such as following their dreams or starting their own families, parents may experience sadness or longing. They may miss the daily presence of their children, shared routines, and the deep emotional connection they formed. It is normal to feel lost during this transition.

  • Pride: Parents often feel proud when their children leave home for positive reasons. They are happy to see their children grow and achieve, knowing that they have raised independent individuals capable of making their own decisions and fulfilling their dreams.

  • Happiness: You can feel joy and satisfaction when children leave home for good reasons. It can be seen as a milestone in their lives. It is an opportunity for the children to gain new experiences and find their own path.

  • Relief: Relief is for some when children leave home as the hard work seems to have paid up. Raising children is demanding, and parents can feel relieved that having done their duty now they can expect to have more time and freedom for themselves.

Sometimes you may also have trouble adjusting to the void created by children’s absence. You need to redefine your roles and find new purposes and sources of fulfillment. Accepting this change and creating new family dynamics can take time. The feelings of parents can vary significantly since they depend on each parent-child relationship. Individual circumstances can influence feelings.

If not dealt with properly, the leaving of children can cause emotional trauma. Here are some suggestions on how to deal with this transition:

1. Talk openly and honestly about why your child is leaving. It is important to understand their point of view as well as express your feelings.

2. If your child has made an informed decision to leave home for a good reason, it is important to respect their choice. Recognize that they are progressing in their lives and support them in their quest for independence and personal growth.

3. You don’t have to lose touch just because your kids have moved. Find ways to stay connected, such as regular phone calls, video chats, or visits. Maintain a supportive and loving relationship and give them the space they need.

4. Use this new life stage as an opportunity to devote more time and energy to your well-being. Take up hobbies, spend time with friends and loved ones, and find new interests. Taking care of yourself is not only beneficial; it also helps you adapt to change.

5. If you are experiencing transition difficulties, please contact our support network or seek professional help. You can connect with other parents who have gone through similar experiences or join a support group to share your thoughts and feelings.

6. You have more freedom and flexibility to achieve your own goals and aspirations when your children are not at home. Explore a new hobby, travel, or do something new you’ve always wanted to try. Accepting this new stage of life can be satisfying and exciting.

Adjusting to your child leaving home takes time, and everyone’s experience is unique. Take your time and allow yourself to adapt to the changes slowly. The feeling of “what Now” should not be allowed to creep in. You as parents ultimately want the best for your children. An early adjustment on your part will allow the children to enjoy their journey toward independence and personal fulfillment.

So, let the chicks leave the nest with cheer,Their paths diverging, far and near.For in their hearts, the nest will reside,A beacon of love, forever by their side. -Prashant

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