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Colonel Prashant Rawal

How I Feel!

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

Never play with the feelings of others, because you may win the game, but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time.” ⁠⁠ —William Shakespeare

It is always important to respect the other person’s feelings with your words and actions. As you get to know people on a more personal level, you get to know how they think and how they react to different things. I have lost out on a few of my sensitive friends by not being careful with my opinions so as not to upset them. The same goes for your employees also. You as an employer should get to know your employees individually and find out how best to give healthy feedback and constructive suggestions.

Respecting those around you not only builds stronger relationships but also produces better results. People will want to do things for you because they will respect you in return.

Sensitive people typically love deeply and hate deeply. They don’t know any other way to live than by extremes because of emotional imbalance. There is nothing worse than asking a friend for their opinion and then completely ignoring, judging, or trivializing it. Anyone who expresses a personal opinion is vulnerable to deep hurt. One thing you can’t hide ⁠—is when you’re hurt inside. You don’t necessarily have to agree with what they say but answer tactfully. A good answer is:

•    “That’s an interesting point.”

•    “I never thought of it that way before.”

•    “I’m glad you said that.”

When you disagree, it’s not important who you disagree with, but it is the issue that is important. Separating the two will allow you to focus on the message as well as the messenger.

Broken relationships can put pressure on people in many different ways. This often happens in divorce cases or when the two are close friends since their social circle is shared. Letting go of someone you loved with all your heart and passion is painful, but the beauty of staying positive in the midst of this fallout makes this heartbreaking experience truly precious.

It can also happen in a professional environment where people no longer ‘toe the line’ to support the ideas of a particular person. It’s never a good idea to force people to take sides. This is how you spread your negativity to more people than necessary in personal conflicts. We should be sensitive to this since it’s likely to cause discomfort to everyone.

When you realize that a relationship should end, try to end it amicably. Don’t hold any grudges. Sometimes no matter what you do, a relationship just isn’t meant to be. No matter how or why you end the relationship, it’s always wise to do so cordially. Be as friendly as possible. It will make the situation more comfortable for you and everyone around you. Should you be ashamed of what you feel? My personal opinion is; no, not at all. You have the right to feel any emotion that puts you at ease since our feelings are our most genuine way to differentiate wrongs from rights. If handled tactfully without getting upset, your feelings can lead you to the best course of action because people and situations are powerless without your reaction.

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