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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Hi, Remember You Are You and Be Confident

Updated: Aug 28

A person being given support to stand by many others

Life does check us regularly. Its activities at times force us to doubt our very own beliefs and competencies, talents, or judgment. You find yourself in a situation wherein you are not self-assured about your actions, decisions, or performance. The net result is that you lose confidence and become full of uncertainty and a lack of perception of your competencies.

Losing confidence may have various causes, which include experiencing repeated failures or setbacks, having grievances or bad comments, facing demanding situations that seem overwhelming, or comparing oneself unfavourably to others. External elements, consisting of annoying conditions or considerable existence changes, can also make contributions to marring your confidence.

The effect of losing confidence can be huge. It can affect someone’s motivation, productivity, and typical well-being. When people lack confidence, they will hesitate to take risks, keep away from challenging situations, or feel irritated about their overall performance. It hinders personal growth and stops people from realizing their full potential.

Watch out since your failures can leave you feeling defeated, and mark you as a gone case. Alternatively, you can think of the moment as an opportunity to learn, improve, and rebuild your confidence for the future.

Regaining confidence is a gradual process. Be patient with yourself and celebrate each step, however small taken towards rebuilding your confidence. The real value of regaining confidence is the lessons you have learned from your failures.

Remember my friend it does hurt, but it does mean that “failure” isn’t everything. The rest of the story depends on how much you learn and what you want to do by looking at the situation from another angle. Let us rebuild your confidence together:

• You are you: Remember your past successes and what makes you great. Focus on your strengths and abilities.

• Stop negative thoughts: When you doubt yourself, replace those thoughts with positive affirmations. Think about what you can do instead of what you can’t.

• Goals are yours to achieve: Begin with small goals that you can handle. Each accomplishment will boost your confidence.

• Go beyond inertia: Instead of dwelling on past failures, take steps toward your goals. Break big tasks into smaller ones and work on them consistently.

• Learn from mistakes: Everyone makes mistakes. Instead of getting down, learn from them and find ways to improve.

• There are good people: Spend time with supportive friends who believe in you. Their encouragement will boost your confidence.

• Take care of yourself: Look after your physical and mental well-being. Do things that make you happy and spend time with loved ones. When you feel good, your confidence will grow.

• Flag your wins: Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. They are the beacons to remind you of your progress and motivate you to keep going.

Remember, building confidence takes time. Be patient and feel with each step forward that you are regaining your confidence.


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