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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Get Joy in Your Own Company; You Won’t Struggle In the Company of Others

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Are you at peace with yourself? Are you your best friend? Do you love your own company? Most of us are never alone because we are never free of our thoughts. They are always there to give you company. When you are strong enough to listen to your thoughts without being judgmental and are sure where your life will lead, you are in good company.

It’s good to be alone if you enjoy your company. Spending time alone in your own company builds up your self-worth. It is often the surest way to replenish your reserves. It helps in removing the energy blocks developed due to negative emotions. Whenever I’m with other people, I somehow tend to imitate. When I’m alone, I’m full of ideas of my own. Only when alone, can I fully be.

You must find happiness in your own company, without which there is no true happiness. It’s alright to take a break now and then and just be happy with your solitude; it may be the only way to get back to your inner core. The significance of enjoying your own company is to be at peace with the idea of being alone. It is spending quality time with yourself, and finding out how your life is treating you. Are you happy with yourself or do you need an upgrade?

We all strive to improve. We do so by learning from different experiences we have in life. Life contentiously teaches us lessons. Unfortunately how much we change is not easy to fathom. When you’re exhausted and lonely, your old mindset can take over again. So rest up and love your company. It is your time to recoup and replenish your energies.

When you are in your own company, beware of the “little critic”. We all have an “inner critic voice” that acts like a boss. When we identify with this inner critic, we allow it to influence our actions and the direction of our lives. It can interfere with our achievements and relationships, thereby impacting our quality of life. So we need to be aware of his presence and challenge this inner voice when needed.

You are the only person you can trust to live with for the time left. Being alone does not mean loneliness. It just means you like to be in your own company. There is nothing wrong with that. Happiness is in our own heart. Choose to be happy instead of waiting for others to make you happy. Sometimes you have to go through it alone. So be happy that there is some company available nearby. Happiness is a choice. Choose wisely whether you are worth spending time with.

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