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Colonel Prashant Rawal

From Comparison to Celebration: Embracing a Life Without Ego

Today, let's embark on an unusual journey into the mystical realm of the non-ego. Hold on tight, because we are about to explore the fascinating art of living without ego.

Picture this: you're walking through the busy city streets, inhaling the aroma of street food, when suddenly you catch a glimpse of your reflection in a shiny storefront window. Ah, the ego! It's a sly companion, always whispering sweet nothings into your ear, making you believe that you're the center of the universe. But what if I told you that true bliss lies in bidding farewell to this ever-present companion?

Living without ego is not a journey into oblivion but rather a deep and liberating search for existence. It is a journey that invites you to discover a life where self-doubt is replaced by the limitless freedom of true self-discovery. Welcome to the extraordinary adventure of living beyond ego. It's a path paved with self-awareness, compassion, and a deep joy in just being.

Example 1: The Tale of Sara and the Social Media Circus

Let's meet Sara, a social media pundit who built her self-worth on the likes and comments her posts received. Every notification was a pat on the back, and every un-follow was a stab to the heart.

One day, Sara decided to detach herself from the dopamine dance of digital validation. She embraced mindfulness, posting content that resonated with her true self rather than catering to the whims of an online audience.

By letting go of her ego's hunger for external approval, Sara found a newfound joy in simply expressing herself without the weight of expectation.

Living without your ego is like shedding a heavy backpack filled with self-imposed expectations and societal pressures. It's about breaking free from the shackles of "I" and "me" and embracing a more profound connection with the universe. Intrigued? Let's dive in!

Example 2: Joy's Journey from Corporate Climber to Conscious Creator

Meet Joy, the ambitious corporate climber with an ego as tall as the skyscrapers he aspired to conquer. His self-worth was tied to job titles, salary figures, and the corner office.

One day, amidst the chaos of a high-powered meeting, Joy had an epiphany. He realized that his pursuit of success was fueled by an insatiable ego, and it was robbing him of genuine happiness.

Joy decided to pivot his career, choosing a path that aligned with his passions rather than societal expectations. As he let go of his ego's need for external validation, Joy found fulfilment in creating art, embracing a lifestyle that resonated with his true essence.

Entanglement of Expectations

Now, let's talk about expectations – those silent ego architects that build towering structures of disappointment. Living without your ego involves demolishing these structures and constructing a playground of possibilities. Don't imprison yourself in the fortress of "shoulds" and "musts." Instead, frolic in the open field of spontaneity, where the only rule is to follow your heart.

Curse of Comparison

"She has a better job,” “He's in a happier relationship," sound familiar? Living without your ego means turning off this toxic comparison autopilot. Your journey is uniquely yours, and comparing it to others is like comparing apples to oranges. Celebrate your victories, big or small, and relish in the beauty of your path.

The Art of Letting Go

Ah, the art of letting go – a masterpiece in the gallery of no-ego. Release the grip on grudges, past mistakes, and the need for control. Picture yourself as a carefree balloon, floating higher and higher as you unburden yourself from unnecessary baggage. Living without your ego means acknowledging that life is a perpetual river, and clinging to the riverbank only causes unnecessary strife.

 Relationships & Ego

Let's discuss the topic of relationships. When you live without your ego, it helps to transform relationships into harmonious experiences instead of ego power struggles. The key factors in building healthy relationships are active listening, empathy, and understanding that compromise is not defeat but rather a melody that enhances the song of companionship.


Living without ego is an incredible adventure that involves practicing mindfulness, self-love, and the courage to let go of societal expectations. It's a lesson in the art of living in the present moment. 

While it's not possible to eliminate your ego, you can strive for a more balanced and mindful approach to life, which can significantly reduce the negative impact of your ego. 





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