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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Five Questions to Know Meditation

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

A lotus flower depicting inner peace

A growing body of scientific research shows that meditators can achieve the indicated results through long-term meditation practices. In India meditation is still widely regarded as a way to achieve “enlightenment”, the highest goal of human life. If you’re stressed out and suffering from anxiety, try meditating. Even a few minutes of meditation can restore serenity and inner peace.

Anyone can meditate. It is simple, inexpensive, and requires no special equipment. You can be meditating anywhere: while waiting, walking, riding a cab, or even in a gathering.

Let us understand meditations by understanding the answers to these 5 questions:

1. What?

The word meditation has been associated with a number of activities where an individual engages in certain practices that can lead a person to another state of consciousness. Meditation is a thoughtless state of mind. Meditative exercises included concentration, meditation, and even prayer.

2. Why?

We need a balanced path to self-improvement, and meditation can help. It can give you a sense of calm, peace, and balance that benefits your mental well-being and overall health. And these benefits continue even after a meditation session. Meditation can help you get through the day more calmly and even cure some ailments. Meditation is not a substitute for traditional treatment. However, it can be a useful addition to ongoing treatment. Some reasons for meditation, all of which have some validity, include:

• Know your “self” more intimately.

• Explore the spiritual world following a balanced path of spiritual development.

• Helps promote personal development.

• Raise yourself to a higher level of human consciousness.

• Connect with your higher self.

• Self-care, e.g. stress management.

• Maintain a balanced personality that responds effectively to daily challenges.

3. When?

To grow in this new awareness, we must meditate regularly every day. Start by enjoying peace for just 10-15 minutes a day. Only through regular meditation can we cultivate and develop our subtle awareness, allowing us to open up and reveal all the benefits. It is important to meditate at the same time every day, even if only for five minutes. The best time is in the morning, right after waking up. Rise and “greet” the morning and let the soothing nature of dawn settle you into calm. If this is not possible in the morning, there is no harm in meditating at dusk.

4. Where?

Find a quiet place with as few distractions as possible. It doesn’t have to be a specific yoga pose. You can sit in a comfortable chair with a good straight back because the joint position with crossed legs is usually difficult.

5. How?

Meditation is a collective term for various methods of reaching a state of relaxation. Many different types of meditation and relaxation techniques incorporate elements of meditation. Though I recommend mindfulness meditation, you can choose a method or technique that suits your nature and circumstances.

Mindfulness meditation is based on remaining focused, heightened awareness, and acceptance of living in the present moment. At first, you should focus on the flow of your breath to anchor on. You can observe your thoughts and feelings, but let them pass without judgment. Remember not to get attached to your thoughts.

Our mind is a bundle of thoughts. When there are no thoughts, there is no mind. Meditation essentially means temporary freedom from thoughts; a state of no mind.

Final meditation

Meditation has been practised as a spiritual healing practice for over 5,000 years in some parts of the world. Over the past 70 years, the practice of meditation has grown in popularity around the world as a complementary therapeutic strategy for the body and mind for a variety of health conditions. And meditation remains a traditional way to explore the spiritual dimension of human existence, even now. May the practice of meditation bring you what you seek!


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