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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Evolving Leadership Trend in COVID Crisis

The world has gone through terrible times and the COVID-crisis is far from over. These are times when uncertainty prevails resulting in unprecedented high stress levels both for the individuals and organizations. Falling profits force companies to resort to putting more pressure on the employees, inching them closer to the dreaded burnouts. Even families are going through terrible times when the office is brought home. Children are exposed to “yet not revealed” personalities of their working parents. We are spending more time stuck to the electronic screens confusing reality with the virtual world. It’s all happening around us.

To meet these new challenges, the leaders and coaches need to re-calibrate the inner navigator by managing their ego efficiently. Whereas emotions can hijack our behaviors, drives can hijack our ego.  By developing greater self-awareness through self-examination and self-reflection, mindfulness and meditation, the leaders need to redefine their values. “Going beyond personal” and upgrading our inner knowledge is essential. Service before self and to serve with honor and humility should be the guiding principles for all the stake holders. The transpersonal leadership is the need of the emerging world. Training for Transpersonal Leadership can support and help balance life influences within and without seemingly opposite. For most people, a lasting state of full awareness doesn’t happen suddenly. It more often happens in stages like peeling away the layers of an onion.  “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, a Sanskrit phrase found in the Maha Upanishad(a Hindu text), which means “The World Is One Family” need to be translated in our lives more than ever now.

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