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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Embracing Individuality: Waiting for the Verdict from Friends

Updated: Jul 7

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In a world dominated by opinions and expectations, it is not uncommon for us to feel the weight of judgments against ourselves. Fear of being labelled "bad" or "wrong" causes some of us to conform to norms, often sacrificing our individuality. But there comes a time when you stop and think and ask yourself: "Am I living for myself or waiting for judgment from my friends?"

Why do we wait for the Verdict from Friends?

It is common for humans to seek validation from friends. Understanding this behaviour can reveal the complex dynamics of relationships and their impact on self-perception.

  • Social Approval: We naturally need social approval deeply ingrained in our psyche. Waiting for judgment from friends often stems from a desire to seek approval and validation from people in your social circle. Positive feedback from friends can increase feelings of belonging and acceptance. 

  • Fear of Rejection: Fear of rejection is a powerful force influencing our actions and decisions. Waiting for judgment from friends can be caused by fear of being judged negatively. People who fear appearing "bad" or "wrong" may seek approval from friends before fully accepting their decisions or expressing their true selves. 

  • Cultural and social influences: Cultural and social norms are important to us in shaping our behaviour. We often wait for the judgment of our friends to see if our behaviour is consistent with society's expectations. Fear of standing out or deviating from established norms can trigger this behaviour. 

  • Lack of confidence: People with low self-confidence may seek external validation to fill the confidence gap. Waiting for a friend's judgment becomes a way to compensate for your insecurities by relying on the opinions of others. Positive feedback from friends can boost self-confidence, while negative feedback can further weaken self-esteem. 

  • Nurturing relationships: Relationships are essential to our well-being, and we wait for judgment from friends for fear of damaging or straining them. Individuals may be reluctant to take actions or decisions that may negatively impact their relationships, preferring to make decisions based on their friends' expectations. 

  • Distorted Thought Patterns: These distortions can influence our decision-making process. If you wait for judgment from your friends, it may be because you are seeking confirmation of your own beliefs and decisions. We tend to value information that confirms existing beliefs and the opinions of friends who agree with them give them a sense of security. 

  • Shared Cultural Identity:  In cultures where collectivism is prioritized over individualism, decisions are often made in groups rather than independently. Waiting for judgment from friends may be a natural extension of this cultural value of seeking group consensus before taking important steps.

Embracing Uniqueness: 

Life is like a recipe with different ingredients, each contributing to the overall flavour. However, many people are afraid of being judged for being different. They worry about being labelled as "bad" and this can be very hurtful. But we should remember that throughout history, some of the most extraordinary people were initially considered "bad" or "wrong" by society. So, it's okay to be different and embrace your uniqueness!

Example: Vincent van Gogh: Vincent van Gogh, the renowned Dutch painter, faced severe criticism during his lifetime. His unique, vivid style was misunderstood, and he was often considered an outcast. Yet, his refusal to conform to societal expectations allowed him to create timeless masterpieces like "Starry Night." Today, he is celebrated for his individuality, proving that sometimes, waiting for the verdict from friends might not lead to the recognition one truly deserves.

Overcoming the Fear of Judgment:

The fear of being judged can be crippling, preventing individuals from expressing their true selves. However, the pursuit of approval from others often results in a watered-down version of one's personality. It's essential to recognize that not everyone will understand or appreciate your uniqueness, and that's perfectly okay.

Example: J.K. Rowling: J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, faced numerous rejections before finding a publisher. Her initial manuscript was rejected by multiple publishers who failed to see the magic within her work. Rowling's perseverance and belief in her individuality ultimately led to the creation of a global phenomenon. Her story serves as a powerful reminder that waiting for the verdict from friends might mean enduring some initial criticism but staying true to oneself can lead to extraordinary success.

Authentic Relationships:

True friends appreciate you for who you are, flaws and all. Waiting for the verdict from friends should involve surrounding yourself with individuals who support your individuality rather than conforming to their expectations. Authentic relationships thrive on acceptance and understanding.

Example: A.R. Rahman

A.R. Rahman, a globally acclaimed composer from India, is known for his distinctive musical style that blends traditional Indian elements with contemporary sounds. Rahman's authenticity in his artistic expression has garnered global acclaim. His collaborations with musicians from around the world highlight the power of authentic relationships that transcend cultural boundaries, emphasizing the beauty of individual expression.

The Power of Self-Reflection:

Waiting for the verdict from friends can sometimes be a journey of self-discovery. It's an opportunity to reflect on who you are, what you stand for, and what truly matters to you. This introspection can be the catalyst for personal growth and resilience.

Example: Oprah Winfrey: Oprah Winfrey, a media mogul and philanthropist, faced numerous challenges and setbacks throughout her life. Her ability to overcome adversity and build an empire is a testament to the power of self-reflection. Oprah embraced her individuality and used her unique voice to connect with millions around the world. Her story inspires us to reflect on our journey and find strength in our authenticity.


In a world that often tells us who we should be, it's easy to start seeking validation from our friends. But what's important is embracing who we are as individuals, even if it means standing out from the crowd. To do this, we need to overcome our fear of being judged and focus on building genuine relationships with others. It's also important to take time to reflect on who we are and what we want in life. 

Throughout history, the most extraordinary people have been those who dared to be different. So don't be afraid to embrace your unique qualities and let them guide you towards a life that is truly your own. Don't let the fear of being labelled as "bad" hold you back from being yourself. Remember, the journey towards self-discovery and authenticity is transformative, and it all starts with accepting and celebrating who you are.

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