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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Communication: A Major Component of a Healthy Relationship

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

Our lives revolve around relationships. In a healthy relationship, both partners feel valued resulting in a stronger relationship. The responsibility for maintaining a healthy and meaningful relationship falls on the shoulders of both partners. Because they have an equal share and a relationship not only survives but thrives on the principle of give and take.

Sometimes the best relationships come under unprecedented stress. There could be several reasons for this. It generally happens when one or both the major components of a relationship viz communication and boundaries get overlooked.

Here are some common signs when a relationship is in trouble:

  1. Communication is minimal and often negative.

  2. One partner is rarely prepared to listen.

  3. Communication leads to resentment, not resolution.

  4. Criticism is more common than praise.


The best relationships can experience unprecedented stress for a variety of reasons. Having poor communication skills is a major reason for the failure of a relationship. Personal relationships deteriorate when what is intended is not expressed; the resulting frustrations build up and boil down to disappointments. So be an active listener. Listen to both what is said and what is implied. Poor listening weakens a relationship since:

  1. Partners may talk all day but sometimes don’t listen as much as they should. This leaves their conversations somewhat ineffective.

  2. There are times when they are distracted by past happenings and misunderstand each other.

  3. This can lead to misapprehensions and the other person may think of being deliberately ignored. Misunderstandings can occur at any stage and can lead to hurt, confusion, or anger.

  4. As a result, you may react without fully comprehending a situation and the issues involved. The fewer you react; the less correction will be needed to resolve them.

We all are not good communicators. Some people are better communicators than others. Communication is something we all need to learn and improve on because it’s an essential part of any healthy relationship. This includes our communication and relationship with ourselves as well.

Remember that in a relationship you can say anything, but the tone and temperament you say it in are very important.

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