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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Being Truly Assertive Improves Your Relationships

Most of our relationships go sore when we fail to assert ourselves and find that other people stop attending to our wants and needs. This can be upsetting and even humiliating. It is because of this simple reason that being truly assertive can help you in improving your relationships. It is done when two people learn to express their wishes in a clear straightforward manner without being confrontational.

Your quality of life largely depends upon how well you manage “relationships”. People living in a society are dependent on each other. The imperative is that they understand taking into consideration their own and other people’s rights, wishes want, needs, and desires.

Avoid being aggressive

You can stand up for your own or other people’s rights in a calm and positive way, without being either aggressive or passively accepting ‘wrong’. No one likes aggressiveness since it is upsetting. One of the important traits of an assertive person is to maintain self-control. Keeping quiet at times helps mend a fragile relationship.

Get fully involved

You earn respect by being genuinely involved. Although some people act in passive and competitive ways from time to time, such methods of responding regularly result in a loss of self-assurance. Nothing sabotages a good relationship more than this.

Improve communication skills

Poor communication skills are a major hindrance in sharing of feelings resulting in lack of intimacy, hurt and rejection. A process of honest and sincere two-way communication cements a relationship. Assertiveness in your responses will help you put across your views honestly.

Putting a person, especially an aggrieved one at ease, is an art. Healthy and unbiased communication improves interpersonal relationships. Hence it pays to be a good nonjudgmental listener. Lend a sympathetic ear to others’ views and help them whenever, wherever possible without pretending.

It takes two hands to clap

It is of great help when you understand others’ viewpoint as there might be another angle to a situation. Allow them to come up with solutions. Admitting your mistakes and apologizing for them is a great way to cement a relationship to new strengths. It’s a win-win situation for you. You win their trust too by doing so. Assertive Relationships built on mutual trust are long-lasting.

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