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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Before You Confide in Your Friends

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Before you place trust in your friends so dear,Observe, analyse, and listen, without fear.For true friends, a treasure beyond all measure,Can bring joy and support, a bond to always treasure. -Prashant

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Friends are there to be relied on. They are there to provide you with self-belief in whatever you do. They are the enhancer of your quality of life. You share with them things that you wouldn’t even share with your loved ones. Having a pal is in reality treasured due to the fact that you may share emotional space with someone you trust.

At times there can be an urgent need to overcome the loneliness that comes from not having someone to share your thoughts and feelings. I hope you can find supportive people in the form of trusted friends who show up for you. Ask yourself if your friend is trustworthy. How much you trust a friend can depend on your past experiences, the nature of the information you share, and your comfort level.

You can call it mind-matching

You need to maintain a balance between what you discuss and the boundaries you draw. Friends are for you, but you have to take into account your friends’ mental preparation and your ability to manage your own emotions. Your friends may mean well, but some friends may find it difficult to support you due to their emotional limitations. You can call it mind-matching. It is possible that they themselves would be carrying lots of emotional baggage of their own.

You reserve the right

You have the right to choose whether your friend has the talent and emotional strength to handle the facts you need to share. There can be extra touchy or complicated issues, so it’s critical to assess their capability to provide the aid you need. Don’t overload them with too much of the emotional burden of “rights or wrongs” as it can harm your friendship. Respect your friends’ limitations.

Friendship of equals

Friendship exists and develops in line with the principle of “give and take”. It’s a 2-way road. Therefore, it is important that you and your friends have an equal opportunity to share and be heard. Stay aware of your comfort level and your willingness to be vulnerable. Sharing can strengthen relationships, but it’s important to consider whether you’re willing to share sensitive information and uncover potential consequences.

Mutual trust is essential

I will emphasize that trust is the foundation of any meaningful friendship. It becomes even more important when it comes to sharing personal secrets. Before you confide in a friend, ask yourself if they’ve kept your secrets in the past. Consider factors such as their loyalty and respecting your points of view. It’s important to place your trust in someone who treats your story with the care and confidentiality it deserves.

Friends don’t judge

A good mature friend is someone who is non-judgmental. Find a friend who is open-minded, not someone who tries to put you down based on shared information. That friend can listen without jumping to conclusions or criticizing your choices. Constructive criticism is healthy though. Feeling understood and supported is more crucial when sharing sensitive issues.

It’s a personal choice

After all, it’s a personal choice that determines how much you trust your friends and how much you want to confide. Finding a balance between being open and maintaining healthy boundaries is the key to developing long-lasting mutually beneficial friendships. So you may consider limiting yourself to just a couple of friends you believe will give you a safe, non-judgmental space to share your thoughts and feelings. We should cherish the trusted friends we have in our life because you never know when they won’t be around anymore. Therefore invest your trust where it is mutually secured.

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