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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Be a Winner on your Own Merit

All of us want to be a winner. To be a winner on our own merit is what differentiates our personalities. An individual’s experiences in his lifetime, both pleasurable and painful are the most significant in the development of his personality.  It is true that his karmas i.e. the experiences from his past lives do make lasting impressions on his present life. These experiences help him form his core beliefs reflecting his mental, emotional, and behavioral strengths and weaknesses.

People with a positive attitude do not lose hope even in difficult situations and look for the best. Conversely, people with negative attitudes can be more pessimistic and unpleasant, and generally expect the worst in difficult situations.

A positive mindset won’t necessarily relieve stress, but it can equip you with the tools you need to deal with it in a healthier way. Having an optimistic outlook naturally results in a more expectant view of life. You’ll see the positive side to most situations, helping you deal with negative events more effectively. Traveling through a difficult path, one must enjoy the scenery.

Hard work remains the most important key to success. Success without hard work is impossible. Nobody has ever gained anything by sitting ideal and waiting for a better opportunity to knock at the door. The person has to work hard to gain success and happiness in life. It takes time and practice to become good at something and a little more to create a habit.

The first step to knowledge is to know that we are unaware and thus ignorant. There is no doubt that relevant knowledge makes the possessor powerful as he gains control of his life by using the strength of knowledge. The ability to acquire knowledge, preserve and an inclination to pass it on to the next generation makes a man powerful. It enables him to control the forces of nature and use them for the benefit of mankind. Therefore we must continue to seek knowledge. Being mindful help you in remaining aware and hence knowledgeable.

You might ask, “Why have I written this piece of literature and given it to you?” It’s very simple—I thought you might like to read it! If I can give something to someone that may help them to play the game of life a little better, why shouldn’t I? If we could give a little more than we take, we would reap the rewards and be much better off. Understanding that we all are the same, the oneness of mankind, allows us to keep service before self. I strongly feel that with a little self-confidence, positive motivation, and a little creativity, a winner’s attitude can be developed by all. It will help us to make order and clarity out of any chaotic set of circumstances to be a winner on our own merit.

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