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Colonel Prashant Rawal

Bad Meetings: A Hit to Productivity

In today’s world where time is at premium, badly conducted meetings prove to be organizational drag affecting productivity adversely. Thomas Kayser said, a meeting is a place where you keep the minutes and throw away the hours. You will be surprised to find that how much a 60 minutes meeting is costing your organization annually in terms of productivity. Most organizations put caution to wind when it comes to the scheduling of meetings, despite their high cost in time and productivity.

Some meetings are inevitable but it’s interesting to know that according to Atlassian’s infographic, 91% of people daydream during meetings, 39% of people sleep during meetings and 73% of people do other work in meetings. The Presiding Authorities must feel hurt as 47% complained that meetings were the #1time-waster at the office

How to Ensure Meetings to be More Fruitful.

Ascertain the necessity of conducting the meeting at the first place as not every task requires a meeting to discuss it.

Set an agenda and send it out to participants in advance. A clear agenda sets boundaries around the topics under discussion, and keeps out extraneous subjects.

Since most people can only focus on any one subject for a limited time, reduce the duration. Don’t allow the meetings to drag along. Even with multiple agenda points, a meeting should not be stretched beyond 45 minutes or thereabout as people tend to lose interest.

Ensure people come prepared. The materials for weekly meetings are distributed in advance at US car giant Ford, so that more time is available for discussion.

A disciplined approach is a must. Start on time, and make sure everyone knows why they’re there least they fall into one or more unproductive categories mentioned above. Identify responsibilities and ensure every decision made is duly recorded.

Resort to end the meeting as and when you feel its objective has been achieved. Use the time saved in other productive activities. Time is at a premium.

Make productive meetings part of your organization.

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