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Colonel Prashant Rawal

10 Simple Things Not To Do When You’re Angry & Upset

Updated: Jan 16

Youngman sitting holding his  head

Hey there, friend! We've all been there – that boiling point where frustration, irritation, or downright anger threatens to take over. It's like a storm brewing inside us, ready to unleash its fury. But hey, before you let that emotional tempest wreak havoc, let's talk about 10 simple things you absolutely should NOT do when you're angry and upset.

  1. Don't Hit Send on That Impulsive Message

Your fingers might be itching to type out that scathing email or text, but hold your horses! In the heat of the moment, our words can be sharper than a double-edged sword. Once it's out there, it's out there. Take a breath, count to ten, or maybe even a hundred, before unleashing your thoughts on the digital world.

  1. Avoid Making Major Decisions

Angry minds don't make the best decisions. So, steer clear of signing any contracts, quitting your job, or deciding to become a professional tightrope walker overnight. Let the storm pass before making life-altering choices; you might thank yourself later.

  1. Resist the Urge to Bottle It Up

While exploding like a volcano isn't ideal, neither is suppressing your emotions entirely. Find a healthy outlet – talk to a friend, write in a journal, or scream into a pillow. Letting it out in a constructive way can be a game-changer.

  1. Say No to Retail Therapy

Sure, buying that expensive gadget or designer purse might bring momentary joy, but it won't fix the underlying issue. Impulse shopping is just a Band-Aid on a bullet wound. Save your wallet and tackle the problem at its roots instead.

  1. Don't Play the Blame Game

Pointing fingers won't solve anything. Blaming others for your predicament is an easy way out, but it won't lead to personal growth. Take a step back, reflect on your emotions, and see if there's a lesson to be learned.

  1. Avoid Social Media Rants

Yes, it's tempting to let the world know about the injustices you've suffered, but take a pause. Social media rants might provide momentary relief, but they rarely lead to positive outcomes. Think twice before hitting that post button – you can't unring that bell.

  1. Steer Clear of Intoxication

A drink or two might seem like a good idea to drown your sorrows, but alcohol is not the best coping mechanism. It can cloud your judgment and escalate the situation. Plus, waking up with a hangover won't make your problems disappear.

  1. Don't Bring Up the Past

When emotions are running high, the temptation to bring up old wounds can be strong. However, rehashing past grievances rarely leads to resolution. Focus on the current issue at hand and find a way to move forward.

  1. Avoid the Silent Treatment

While it may feel satisfying to give someone the cold shoulder, communication is key in resolving conflicts. The silent treatment only prolongs the tension and can make matters worse. Express your feelings, but do so constructively.

  1. Don't Skip Self-Care

Last but certainly not least, avoid neglecting yourself. It's easy to forget about self-care when you're wrapped up in anger and upset feelings. Take a walk, indulge in your favourite hobby, or simply relax with a good book. Remember, you matter, and taking care of yourself is a crucial part of handling difficult emotions.

In a nutshell, the next time you find yourself on the brink of an emotional explosion, take a step back, breathe, and consider these 10 things not to do. Life's too short to let anger and upset control you, so take charge, stay cool, and navigate through the storm with grace.

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